日時 | 2018年12月15日(土) 14:00–17:00 / 2018年12月16日(日) 10:30–17:00 |
場所 | AA研 マルチメディア会議室(304) |
使用言語 | 英語(通訳なし) |
共催 | 科研費基盤研究A「イスラーム国家の王権と正統性――近世帝国を視座として」(課題番号:15H01895) 基幹研究「中東・イスラーム圏における分極化とその政治・社会・文化的背景」 |
参加費無料、事前申し込み必要 n-kondo[at]aa.tufs.ac.jp 宛にお申し込みください(~12月12日(水)まで)。 ※ [at] を@に変更して送信ください。 |
Saturday, December 15 | |
14:00–14:20 | Introduction Nobuaki Kondo |
Literature and legitimacy Chair: Kazuo Morimoto | |
14:20–15:00 | Louise Marlow, Wellesley College "Articulations of Legitimacy in Mirrors for Princes of the Tenth and Eleventh Centuries" |
15:00–15:40 | Osamu Otsuka, the University of Tokyo “The Flowering of Persian Literature under the Patronage of the Hazaraspid Dynasty: How did Local Rulers Legitimate Their Rule in the Late Ilkhanid Period?” |
15:50–16:30 | Shahzad Bashir, Brown University “Legitimacy in Rhyme and Meter: Poetry in Timurid and Safavid Historiography” |
16:30–17:00 | Discussion |
Sunday, December 16 | |
Ideology and Religion Chair: Yukako Goto | |
10:30–11:10 | Matthew Melvin-Koushki, University of South Carolina “A Timurid Iamblichus in Search of a Julian: Ibn Turka as Early Modern Philhellenizing Imperial Ideologue.” |
11:10–11:50 | Masaki Sugiyama, Kyoto University of Foreign Studies “For the Sufi Shaykh or for the "Mahdi's Son"?: The Re-examination of the Relation between Sultan Husayn Mirza and Shah Qasim Faydbakhsh” |
Ottoman discourses Chair: Hiroyuki Ogasawara | |
13:00–13:40 | Retsu Hashizume, Chiba Institute for Science “Luṭfī Pasha’s theory of the caliphate” |
13:40–14:20 | Christopher Markiewicz, University of Birmingham “Persian Emigres and Ottoman Discourses of Rule in the Early Sixteenth Century” |
From Egypt to Afghanistan Chair: Jun Akiba | |
14:40–15:20 | Hüseyin Yılmaz, George Mason University “An Egyptian Perspective on Ottoman Legitimacy in the Seventeenth Century: Mer’i b. Yusuf’s Golden Necklaces on the Virtues of the Ottoman Dynasty” |
15:20–16:00 | Nobuaki Kondo, ILCAA, Tokyo University of Foreign Studies “Sunni Rule over Shi‘i Population: Legitimation of Afghan Rulers in Iran, 1722–29” |
16:10–17:00 | General Discussion |