日時 | 2011年7月13日(水) 19:00-21:00 |
場所 | AA研 マルチメディア会議室(304) |
使用言語 | 英語 |
主催 | 基幹研究「アフリカ文化研究に基づく多元的世界像の探求」 |
共催 | 基幹研究「中東・イスラーム圏における人間移動と多元的社会編成」 日本アフリカ学会関東支部 |
問い合せ先 | e-mail : aaafrica[at]aa.tufs.ac.jp ※ [at] を @ に変更して送信ください |
参加費無料、事前申し込み不要(どなたでも参加できます) |
- Dr. Michaela Pelican(チューリヒ大学社会・文化人類学科〈スイス〉/京都大学大学院アジア・アフリカ地域研究研究科)
- Urban life-worlds of Cameroonians in Dubai (United Arab Emirates)
「アラブ首長国連邦ドバイにおけるカメルーン人たちの都市生活世界)」 - Summary of the Lecture
This contribution deals with the life-worlds and social spaces of Cameroonian migrants in Dubai, a major metropolis linking African and Asian markets.
In recent years, Dubai has attracted large numbers of African traders and labour migrants who contribute significantly to the town’s commercial development and social life. The streets of Deira, Dubai’s ancient trading district, are populated by African merchants from all over the continent, exploring shops and markets, bargaining prices, arranging their acquisitions in hotel launches, taking a break in a street cafe, enjoying a meal in an Indian or African restaurant, or hanging out in an Ethiopian or Congolese night club.
Many Cameroonians who reside permanently in Dubai act as intermediaries and conduits to these merchants, facilitating their accommodation, purchases and transport of acquisitions back to Africa. They tend to organize their lives around economic constraints and the caprice of immigration regulations. At the same time, they struggle to create social spaces of mutual comfort and support, for example in the context of shared housing, church congregations, or aid and saving groups. However, reproducing social networks similar to those in Cameroon poses difficulties, as migrants’ realities differ considerably from life-worlds back home.